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  • ES6 feature
  • Hoisting
  • Closure
  • Callback/promise
  • Data type => string/number/boolean/undefined/…
  • NaN?
  • Netscape => company develop javascript
  • Global variables
  • This keyword
  • Comparetion == and ===
  • Javascript extension
  • Javascript BitInt
  • 3+2+”7” => “57”
  • navigator => API
  • Null and undefined
  • All variables in JavaScript are object data types. =>
  • Escape and unescape
  • Type of errors => load time/runtime/logical
  • Strict mode
  • call() and apply() function in javascript
  • operators => && || ?? …
  • DOM là gì
  • decodeURL and encodeURL
  • How can JavaScript codes be hidden from old browsers that do not support JavaScript ?